Dream of peace
Not yet cherry season
Eggs hate Friday
Quick Locrian wander in G
Life is back - B minor scale
The night sentinel
Blue February - G# Blues scale
A taste of eastern Europe
The past is the past
The stringed Bandoneon
Wake up Valentine !
Waiting for the Daffodils
Waiting for the train
Falling into the Swing pool
She drives me crazy
Jazzy experiment
Just a jazzy jingle
New Orleans ballad
Clouds above the horizon
The ball I didn't want to go to
Snow and shovel - Diptych
January delirium
Turn the crank !
Lady White
Tea, Swing and pudding
Holiday on Jazz
I'm not drunk !
Christmas cool Jazz
Folk Experiment
Wind in the strings
The longest night
Winter Fantasy
Summer dream in Winter
December jazzy ballad
December diptych - Orchestrated
December diptych
Violin Solo Improvisation - D minor
Invited to a ball at the Devil's Manor
Autumn Jazz in Eb minor - Soft mood
Autumn Jazz in Eb minor
November Interlude
Nervous Ballad
Reverie in F minor
Fantasy in G# Melodic minor - Harps.
Fantasy in G# Melodic minor
Vagabondage in Eb minor
Worries of November
Strings of October - Collab. work
The Moon makes it blue
Entering a new era
Fall is here
On the path to Swing
Promise, betrayal and revenge
Case of emergency - Swing
Mid-October Jazz
Stop it and let me play!
Rebirth of Renaissance
Wandering in A minor
In no hurry then late - Minor D#
Autumn colors - Diptych in Bb
Mixolydian dream - Mixolydian B
Bike without brakes
Bulk notes
Fantasies In D# Harmonic Minor
Waiting for better times
Let me dream
Adventure is our job
Happy days never last
Waiting for the orchestra
Last days of summer
Whirling thoughts
A butterfly's life
Low Battery
Dream of sand and sea
Classical and not so much
The Threat
With and without
Jazzy July - Modified - 215 bpm
Jazzy July - Modified - 237 bpm
Jazzy July - Original - 172 bpm
A Summer under tension
Clover Jazz
I will catch you
Jazzy pulsion
Jazz festival
Early blossom
Saturday afternoon
A record and a cup of tea
Let me go my way
New possibilities
Evolution - Guitar
Jazz tonight‚ even if it rains
Move the piano upstairs
Coffee‚ work‚ bed and again
Walking along the Bayou
In the pursuit of happiness
Like every Monday
Fruity Jazz
Saturday Jazz
Colorful Jazz
On the way to Olympia
Lost in my thoughts
Plans for tomorrow
April romance
April Fool
The magic behind
The steam machine
The unexpected letter
Foe behind the fog
Troubled serenity
Morning and afternoon
The two sides of life
Bad luck
Dream of holidays
Waiting for Summer
You said Swing ?
March Interlude - E Major
The tears of the Earth
Memories of better days - A minor
Puppets walking towards their destiny
Raincoat and umbrella
Last evening
Goodbye Georgia †
Strings of January
Gentle Cavalcade - Eb Minor
January piano
First frost - C# Major
Last December Piano Jazz
Lord Winter
Christmas Big Band
Organ transplantation
December Interlude - A Minor
December soft lounge Jazz
Frozen feelings - Harmonic Minor F#
Deadly timing
The plumber's nightmare
Few years later
Electric Sixties
December is here - Eb Major
Covid Circus
Covid Interlude - Day eight
End of November - C# Major
Covid Jazz - Day six - D Major
Covid fever - Night four - D Major
Diptych in F Major
Not a Jazz
On a jazzy day
What else ?
A sunny day in Autumn
Septimus - Minor G
Surprise in the socks drawer
Fantasy in F#
My little Jazz of November
Phrygian day - G# Phrygian
Phrygian night - G# Phrygian
For the father I wish I had - Minor D
October Jazz
Lullaby for her
A gentle ride
The lost ring
On the way to better times
Piano in a storm
Into darkness, even shadows die
Like a smell of October
Autumn fair
Freewheeling brain - Melodic Min F#
First clouds - Melodic Minor A
Waiting for the bus
Quadriptych in Ab
Hopes in a Bandura
Early September
Peace and war
Message in a bottle
Hopes and fears
Something is happening, but what?
Summer symphony
Finally the rain
On a warm day
August Jazz
Nocturnal wandering
Summer interlude
Summer Jazz
Petunia awakening
Sweet Kate
Same player plays again
Beyond the fence
The angry harpsichord
Summer day
Genesis of Turbulence
The night before
Quiet prayer
Last time before the next one
Spring Possibilities
Quadriptych in Melodic Minor Bb
Divagations in Minor F
Get out of my head !
Remember the Bandourists
Dawn of an exciting day
Romance in May
May fair
The Mystery Instrument
Pansies for You
A table for two
April intermede
Haunting thoughts
Morning dream
The other world
The way of Peace
Trip through the Alps
On the way to disillusion
The warriors of the plain
Spring celebration
The King’s picnic
Flowers of March
New strengths
March fantasy
You messed up again - Orchestrated
You messed up again - Piano only
Oriental adventure
Electric experiment
Dripping water drops
Arise the Dead !
Let me jump in the puddles
Let fingers run
Beyond boredom
Time of regrets
Daily hassles
Changing mood
Marching towards Liberty
Positive thoughts
One hand tied behind the back
The interrupted dream
On the bus to Pensacola
Worries and hopes
Fencing with ladles
Back to the Sixties
Don’t walk on my feet !
Do not shoot the pianist !
A gift from Hariel
Full steam ahead !
Dark days on white background
Life is a sad joke
Happy wander
Nocturnal feelings
Dude‚ don’t miss the train !
Sparkling wood fire
Gimme back my chocolates !
See you next year !
It is my chair !
Getting out of the frame
Rush hour
Lights and garlands
Santa’s Jazz - New Version
Santa’s Jazz - Original
Soft Jazz for a sleeping Lady
Chilly Jazz
Dorian Fantasy - Harpsichord version
Dorian Fantasy
Winter is there
The lost letter
Adventure is beyond fear
Autumn wind
A nice argument at dinner time
The march of the Brave
Waiting for nothing
Burning a fuse
Bread and chocolate
One day or two
Two Worlds
I will do it tomorrow
Unshakeable will
A sad tale
Chasing the Unicorn
Autumn story
Jazzy brass
Struggle for Life
A threat from above
The Promise
On the way to Destiny
Countryside wander
With a bit of luck
A guitar as only weapon
Lost memories
Orient Express
Daily routine
September Jazz
Harvests of blood
The seeds of a new era
Waiting for Sunday
The forgotten souls
I picked flowers for You
Heat wave
A moment of nostalgia
Stroll in the forbidden forest
Harpsichord escape
While my egg is boiling
Infinite sadness
Just before dawn
July Interlude
Birds on the wires
Dream of Victory
Life is a leaking bucket
Voices of Wisdom
Memories of future past
Sunny paradise
The Scarecrow dance
Star-crossed lovers
Two minutes for You
Jazz of June
Jazz of May
Chasing the sun
Dream of a better world
Hopes for after
A piano in May
Summer evening
Beyond borders
One day at a time
The lights of tomorrow
For a handful of flowers
Maybe in May
Arrival at Sherwood
It is Spring again
The mice nightly ball
The good old times
Spring hopes
Clown chased by a fake lion
The waves of fate
Birds and crumbs
Do not tease bees
Twirling fireflies
The Lord of Chaos
One pillow for two
Time loop
A smell of Spring
Nocturnal thoughts
Good night my Valentine
The land of Nowhere
The guardians of the sacred mountain
The Others
The fountain of Youth
Evening of life
An old fellow
Last flowers before Spring
Who painted my Jazz blue ?
Time in a box
Oriental fragrance
The merciless whirlwind of life
Seeking the hidden waterfall
Winter in brazil
Memories of unlived adventures
Tender thoughts in the wind
Last night
Short dream
Snails odyssey
Christmas party at the old cemetery
No ball for Cinderella
Days after days
Ants in the pants - Orchestral
Ants in the pants
A mouse life
Twirling snowflakes
What could have been
An army is coming from the North
A snail with a wooden leg
The dreaming snowman
Anger is a short madness
Waiting for the milkman
Winter frost
Biscuits and jam
Falling leaves
First snow
Waiting for winter
Don't move too far away
True story of an imaginary character
Winter flavours
Welcome to purgatory
A new era
Opening my eyes
A rainy day
What happens happens
The lost recipe of true love
Life is a blank page
One year later
The lonely grave
Variations around an obsession
• Attaché culturel - Première partie
• Attaché culturel - Seconde partie
Before the sky collapses
California - 1853
Highlands Folk
Ghost of the murdered dancer
Claripet and Co
On the back in the meadow
Old haunted mansion
Revenge of the walking trees
A short adventure
Strings and knots
On the square
Fantasy in F
A sad summer
Rejoicing day
The fire maker
Strings Theory
Masquerade ball - Orchestral
A dangerous journey
City of the highlands
On reaching Asgard
Para bellum
The wings of Liberty
The pillow battle - Orchestral
The pillow battle - Piano Folk
End of summer
Let's walk along the way
Cha cha cha
A nice dream
My mountains
Hammer and nails
Don't try dancing on that !
The secret chamber
Thinking of the sinking
Mrs. Winter’s white mantle
Along the river of life
Dream of youth
Like ants under the rainB Minor
New Horizon - G# Major
Triptych in Melodic Minor G
Autumn thoughts - E Minor
Hopes for tomorrow - E Minor
Possible future - A# Melodic Minor
Tears of blood - A# Melodic Minor
The watercolor box - F Major
Delirium in E Minor Melodic
Regret in E Minor Melodic
Age of Innocence
Holidays of the piano
Midnight, alone in the lounge
Strings across the path
Chaotic thoughts in F# Minor
Dream of Freedom
Crazy run in Istanbul
Scent of dew at dawn
In a jazzy mood
Closing the eyes
Forgotten feelings
Timeless Sixties
Lullaby in E Minor
Fuzzy future
While the cat is asleep
Marching towards disaster
Planetary concerns
A shaken world
The seeds of hope
After they have gone
Troubled times
April daffodils
Smell of a not so far past
Little bird dream
The unkept promises
In the distorting mirror
Thinking of tomorrow
There's some sand on my loukoums
Upside down - Experimental
A grey blouse
Lullaby for a deaf baby
Winter gloominess
Christmas nostalgia
The toilets are occupied
Jazzy interlude
By decorating the Christmas tree
Life without you
Back to my obsessing theme
Snowing day
Going to the fair
Just a jazzy stuff
Where did the seventies go ?
Last sunset before leaving
Nightly piano
One way ticket
Winter violins
Fall is spring of winter
Flipping through the photo album
Funeral of the blue fairy
The truth hides in the well
Priest's bike isn't behind the church
Brass is not bra plural
Celebration day
Why ?
Gambol in the dead leaves
Just an instant
Behind the curtain of oblivion
Hidden behind the door
Will it snow
Scarecrow dance
The frozen lands
Waiting at the corner
Vanishing memories
Dont wait for me
In a sunbeam
Switch on and play - Piano only
Switch on and play - Orchestral
The perfumed letter
The devil in a red dress
When sleep doesn't come
Fuzzy thoughts
On the path of fate
The rain is back
Dusting off the piano
Dawn and dusk
Spasmodic melody
Stumbling fingers
Buried memories
The Jazz awakens
The gift
It's raining on my heart
Under influence
Love has gone
Bandoneon story
Wind in the reeds
Let sing brass
Painting the gate
Despite me
Paper in the wind
Three lemon candies
Mismatched shoes
Breeze on the meadows
The hedgehog in love for a chestnut
I forgot I wanted to forget
Ghosts of lost memories
On the balcony
The jar on the shelf
A book on the bench
What hides behind the mirror
Few crumbs for the birds
Like sheep on the cliff
Questions without answer
Memories of better times
Few drops of happiness
Autumn in May
Why not ?
Sparks in a box
Just a short thing
Snow over the black forest
I remember
On the edge of sleep
The longuest way
Anonymous burial
Chasing time
Memory of last autumn
A bag of seeds
Four forty four AM
Surprise in a box
Wander and wonder
The day I saw her
Four old fellows
Under my tree
A short story
A short story - Piano only
Getting nervous
Above the clouds
First buds under the snow
In the polar night
Torments of memories
Skating on the frozen pond
Saturday night
Let's jump in the creek stream
On top of the highest tree
Disguised jazz
Peaceful winter night
The last days
The merry lumberjack
Sunrise on the icy landscape
Between two thoughts
Just a music box
That's life †
Morning warm up
What did you put in my tea ?
Under the frozen stars
Don't take my heart for a cookie
Gingerbread man's dance
Waiting for Santa
Christmas bells
One minute of free time
Getting out of the silence area
Moods in a blender
Saturday rehearsal in the garage
Few roses and a ribbon
A train to catch
Just a rainbow
The busy smith
Just a jazzy thing
Optimistic thoughts
Tomorrow is not today
Waiting for her
Lullaby of the sad nanny
Camel trip
Back to the castle
Roses in winter
Nightly mission in winter
Carving the pumpkin
Happy birthday
Time to go home
Discovering the landscape
A handful of sea shells
Aunt Marnie you're drunk again !
Just a little mouse
Just before it happens
A spark in darkness
Go ! Go ! Go !
Fast melody
On the road to vacation
A perfect day
Tomorrow maybe
Shadows of yesterday
Staring at the moon
Mysteries of night
On the way to adventure
Marbles and pebbles
For a smile
The hard decision
Hurry up folks
A sad romance
Cloudy skies
Rolling thunder
Before midnight
Summer song
For Her
A nice place
Sunny dream
Nascency of dawn
A step toward the future
In the morning
Just for breakfast
Last year
Winter shuffle
Beyond darkness
Centipedes bridal march
Saturdays ending
Guitar story
Blowing into something
Trumpet fantasy
Goodbye Barry †
Guitars of hope †
Frost of winter †
Too late for a drink
A happy goat
A frog in my sax
Flavours of summer
Sunrise tea
The forests of Norlandia
Welcome to spring in Norlandia
The little pony pulls the trolley
If we could
My glass is empty
Last glass before leaving
Pond of nympheas
Honey pot
Violins of dawn
Jazzy night
Chasing the dragonfly
Put some more coal in the boiler
Bike ride in the countryside
Thinking of Her
Tickling the guitar
Long horse riding
Hang them tomorrow
• Children playing in the stairs
• Dancing wood fire
Beethoven's trumpet
Mysterious dunes
Never disturb a mummy
Crazy night
Frolicsome piano
The piano under the stars
Under the sparkly stars
Saturday night ending
No taxi
Mister Winter (Christmas song)
• . . .
Contact/E-mail : ralph.bilouppie@3d-synthesis.com
Courtesy of Ralph BILOUPPIE and The Scratched Records Company. ©2011-2025. All rights reserved.